After some big national changes, perhaps now we see a glimmer of stability

I think its fair to say that since 2016, there have been some major changes in British life that have had a profound impact on all of our daily lives. Never before, not since the Second World War, has global and political events affected the day-to-day lives, health, wellbeing and finances of normally people.
Back in the day, it seemed that what we saw on the news often didn’t touch our own lives – if we were lucky, which often we were. I miss those times a lot and would love to go back to them.
Now, when we watch the news, we know that what we are seeing unfold is going to impact us massively. From the ongoing saga of Brexit, to the recent death of Her Majesty the Queen, to the war in Ukraine, the energy and cost of living crisis, and of course the pandemic – everything that happened hit each and everyone one of us in a big way.
In the backdrop of all of this has been a merry-go-round of leadership within Westminster. At the time we needed certainty the most, it felt like for one reason or another, we weren’t going to get it.
As a business leader and owner, this is creates so much anxiety – and problems that have to be addressed on an ongoing basis from logistical impacts to (of course) the financial impacts. Let’s not even discuss the disastrous Truss and Kwarteng budget, and the results it has on the global value of the pound! But it’s not just me that will be anxious about this. The worst effected will be those on the breadline, young mums with two jobs, elderly people struggling to heat their homes, charities with bills to pay and funds to raise, special schools doing all they can for the young people they support, local pubs and businesses trying to keep their heads above water whilst finding energy bills for tens of thousands of pounds (literally) landing on their mats.
However, we do now seem to have a smidgeon of certainty in Rishi Sunak, our new Prime Minister. Whatever your side of the political spectrum I think having an element of consistency is vital for all of us. I’m feeling a lot more positive about the future. Of course there will be tough times ahead but I do hope this is the beginning of the end for bad news days. Here’s to the future!